Williston Park business reviews, phone numbers, addresses, maps & driving directions of Williston Park, New York businesses
Williston Park is a village home in North Hempstead. Williston Park’s history began when William Chatlos purchased 195 acres of land in 1926 and established Williston Park. He had the plan to create a planned community for families in New York City that wanted to move closer to the border. The village was incorporated the same year. The village was named to honor Henry Willis, one of the first settlers to arrive in the area. Herricks Union Free School District and Mineola Union Free School District serves the community with 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school. The two main businesses streets in Williston Park are Willis Avenue and Hillside which offers around 300 businesses, stores, offices, and restaurants. The main attractions of Williston Park are the events scheduled throughout the year including block parties and then of course the public pool is especially refreshing on a summer’s day.
Ashley I gave Gold Heart Fine Jewelry
a rating
I bought a gorgeous ring here for my partner. She loves gold jewelry, and I wanted to get her something really beautiful, different from an...
Peter C. gave Marianne Pizza
a rating
Pizza is my favorite meal. I can eat tremendous quantities and never complain about being full. When I eat at Marianne Pizza, I think I am i...
Sandra G. gave Arthur Murray Dance Studios
a rating
My child takes introductory dance lessons at Arthur Murray Dance Studios. In a few months when her class is over we will move her up to the...
Floyd E. gave Amazing Nails
a rating
My wife got her nails done at Amazing Nails the day before our son's wedding. I'm not much of a nail guy, but I have to admit they looked fa...
Ruth H gave Zen Asian Bistro INC
a rating
Being located near the Zen Asian Bistro is a real treat. You could miss it walking by, but missing it would be missing out. The bistro ser...
Philip gave Rite Aid
a rating
Rite Aid isn't just a pharmacy anymore, and this Rite Aid is no exception. I needed to have a prescription filled, and I was concerned about...
Gross Schechter Day School in Pepper Pike will be getting a new head of school in July. Ari Yares, upper school principal at Schechter School of Long Island in Williston Park, N.Y., will be moving into his new position this summer to serve the families of the day school.
Rabbi Melinda Mersack, ...
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